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Updated: Nov 10, 2021

A Special Day for A Special Cause!

On the 24th October 2021, or as Rotarians and Rotaractors better know it as - WORLD END POLIO DAY, the Rotary Expo Team organized an End Polio Now walk at the #Expo2020.

More than 50 Rotarians, Rotaractors, and friends gathered at the #RotaryMajlisofFriendship to support and contribute and put on their “End Polio Now” T-shirts before heading out for the walk.

A special remark of the day was the Al Wasl plaza being lit red and yellow (colors of the campaign) as support which helped gain awareness for the cause and provided a buzz around all EXPO while the group walked around! After the walk ended, we gathered back at the Rotary Majlis of Friendship to enjoy some lovely live music from our Rotaractors.

Many thanks to those that participated, shared fun with us, contributed, supported, and helped out at this event!



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